COVID-19 Updates

Thursday, May 28

Beginning Sunday, May 24, FBC is meeting in-person for worship at 10:30 am. In keeping with NM Governor Lujan-Grisham's 25% capacity restriction, we will allow 100 people in the sanctuary. This will be updated as the governor issues new orders.

Monday, March 30

In light of President Trump's extension of the social distancing guidelines, FBC will continue to suspend in-person gatherings through the end of April. We will continue gathering online each Sunday morning at 10:30 am and for Bible studies on Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm on Zoom. Please email for more information.

Tuesday, March 17

Please watch the video from Pastor Kyle updating FBC's plans over the next couple of weeks.

Monday, March 16

In light of today's recommendation by the Trump Administration that we limit physical gatherings to 10-people or less, I am canceling this week's Wednesday night Bible study & prayer gathering. I will have information about our Sunday morning worship gathering later this week.

I will plan to have a livestream Bible Study at 6:00pm on Wednesday, and I will get more information out on that as soon as I figure out exactly what it will look like.

Please continue to pray for our church leadership as we navigate these days and make difficult decisions.

Saturday, March 14

As I'm writing this, there are no presumed or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Alamogordo or Otero County. We are planning to proceed with our regular Sunday morning schedule for Sunday, March 15.

We have taken the following precautions:

  • This morning, a small group of us sanitized commonly-touched surfaces around the church building, including faucets, toilets, tables, chairs, pewbacks, doorknobs, light switches, handrails, etc. This will be a weekly practice until the immediate threat of COVID-19 is over.
  • Instead of passing offering plates, we will have ushers stand at the doors of the sanctuary at the conclusion of the service to collect tithes & offerings. This will help us not spread germs from person to person via the offering plates.
  • If you are unable to attend in person, we encourage you to continue your financial giving to support the mission & ministries of FBC. You can always give online by clicking "Give" in the menu above.
  • We encourage you to greet one another, but feel free to do so with a wave or an elbow-bump rather than a handshake or hug.
  • In the event you are not able to gather with us in person, we invite you to watch the livestream at beginning at 10:30am.

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