Kids junction

Sunday Bible study 9:00am    Children's Worship 10:30 am

Wednesday bible study 6:00 pm   Nursery available both days

Our goal at the Kid's Junction is to support and partner with parents and their mission:

  • to raise their children to know Christ,
  • to help them understand his purposes for their life and
  • to send them out on their mission in the world.

In accomplishing this goal our priorities are to create a secure and fun Christian environment for your children by:

  • Providing secure facilities and
  • Trained volunteers that have undergone a background check.

children's ministry vision

First Baptist Church:

Mission:  Making disciples that make disciples.

Message:  Christ and him crucified.

Children’s Ministry:

Fulfill our church’s mission by:

Supporting and partnering with parents and their mission:

  • To raise children to know Christ.
  • To help them understand his purposes for their lives.
  • To send them out on mission in the world.

Staying true to our church's message by:

  • Using Christ centered curriculum.
  • Using Christ centered activities.

Our priorities:

  • Provide secure facilities.
  • Trained volunteers
  • Volunteers who have undergone background checks and undergone thorough screenings.
  • To provide curriculum and a plan to help children grow in God's word at every stage of childhood, that focuses on the gospel.
  • To provide children with a loving, engaging, equipping, safe, fun heart transforming environment so that they can come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and to grow spiritually.
  • To focus on bringing up a generation of culture shaping kids.

what to expect

Child Drop Off:

  • You will be greeted by friendly volunteers who will get you signed in and will escort you to your child's class.
  • At check-in you will be given a label that will identify your child and you as the parent.
  • You will be able to communicate any needs with the classroom teachers.

Get Ready:

  • We can't wait to meet you.
  • Your kids will have activities, crafts, snacks, and plenty of time to learn about Jesus.